Body of Work
Our relationship with jewelry is so substantial that we have found that not only it improves our physical well-being, but also a comfort to the mind and soul. Jewelry can protect those who have contact with it in many aspects. In this case, it has protected the maker’s mind through meditation which can be achieved by repetition, just as in a mantra. The technique of crocheting wire has fulfilled a necessity of motion that comes from a restless mind. This repetitive technique has the ability to quiet an agitated mind.
Additionally, the practice does not use chemicals or forging fires, other than the ones utilized when the wire was manufactured. It also does not use machinery, limiting the ecological footprint. This contributes to a cleaner practice for the maker and uses less material compared to other pieces of the same size.
Excerpt of the Message from the Jurors
"... In Luisa Florez Herran’s Protection Necklace we see a poetic interpretation of the anxieties surrounding health and wellness, feelings we have all been experiencing since the pandemic began. There is an immediacy in the handling of the material, that her movements are marking time while finding expression in metal. That this process feels necessary is important and that it results in a covering for the throat is all the more relevant. To be able to gather your resources in your hands and create a structure that is meaningful through minimal processes while being mindful of their impact makes a strong statement. There is power in this determined focus and refinement of approach. We felt this in Florez Herran’s work and we appreciate the sentiment deeply..."
Read the complete message HERE.
Erin S. Daily & Brian Weissman
Co-founders, Brooklyn Metal Works.
So Fresh + So Clean 2020 Guest Jurors

Cosmic Chaos
Body of Work
caos cósmico
En momentos de desamparo, introspección y quietud aportaba, poco a poco, fuerza para salir adelante y seguir con mi vida. Me volví más consciente de que Nosotros somos todos nuestro cosmos. Aunque caótico a veces, seguimos teniendo algo de orden y reorganizándonos según sea necesario para mantener el equilibrio.
Para esta pieza, busqué inspiración en mi cosmos caótico interno, disponiendo una composición entrópica de cuentas, sobre la construcción sistemática de alambre tejido. Usé la repetición de pequeños elementos para crear un arreglo complejo y compacto. Con esta creación, quería explorar sentirme en control y encontrar la belleza que me intuía, incluso en los momentos de caos.

Frida & Diego
Body of Work
Frida Kahlo, an iconic artist known for her vivid self-portraits and deeply personal themes, has long been a source of inspiration for many, including myself. As a jewelry artist from Colombia, my work, like Frida's, is deeply influenced by my cultural heritage. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder in my late twenties, I found a parallel in Frida's own struggles with chronic pain and depression.
Her ability to turn suffering into powerful art mirrors my journey of channeling intense emotions and fluctuating moods into my jewelry. Each piece I create is a reflection of my inner world, a tangible expression of my mental health journey. Frida's art, often depicting her broken body but defiant spirit, symbolizes resilience, a quality I strive to embody through my craft.
Despite the highs and lows, my jewelry becomes a means of survival and self-expression, much like Frida found solace in her paintings. Both of us have faced the challenge of transforming pain into beauty, and our struggles into sources of strength. Through my jewelry, I aim to tell a story of resilience, creativity, and the enduring power of the human spirit, honoring Frida's legacy with every piece I create.

Look Again
Look Again is an invitation to dive into every little detail and forget assumptions. Each look that conforms the chain was created with very think wire and a crochet hooks, combining textile and jewelry fabrication techniques.